Dear Friends,

In the midst of all the noise and stress in the world, we invite you to get away from it all in beautiful peaceful Amari.
We hope you will visit us this year. See our courses below.

Wishing you a healthy and amazing life
With love and blessings,
Friends of Amari

Speaking to the Stars with Roi Gal-Or and Stella Kassimati 1-8July 2020

Discover the meeting place between Myth and autobiographical storytelling, telling your story, celebrating human freedom and responsibility and how they are deeply connected with nature.

The Inner Wheel: Storytelling and the Four Temperaments with Sue Hollingsworth and Stella Kassimati 30/09-6/10/2020

How can an understanding of the four Greek temperaments help us as storytellers bring more health and balance, spice and variety to both our storytelling and our storytelling repertoire?

Three weeks in Amari in 2021! Dates for your diary:
Personal Storytelling Intensive 
with Sue Hollingsworth and Stella Kassimati
19 September – 10 October 2021

Please register your interest here This will not be taken as a booking, but you will be given priority to confirm.
There are only ten places on this very popular course.
Bookings will open in October 2020.

Copyright © 2020 Friends of Amari, nonprofit, community, All rights reserved.

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Αριθμός Προβολών: 14